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Primary Beginner, Novice, Intermediate & Premier


8:15 AM - Registration
9:00 AM - Competition Begins


Highland Dancing events will take place inside the Park View Elementary School Auditorium on 300 North


Highland Dance Registration Form HERE.



The dancers will compete in The Sword Dance as well as the Highland Fling, Scottish Lilt, Sean Triubhas, Flora McDonald's Fancy, Irish Jig (Scottish Version) and the Hornpipe.


The judges scrutinize foot placement, arm movements of the dancer, as well as the posture. Technique, timing, and deportment are the main observances taken into consideration in judging.


Highland Dancing starts at 9AM and ends around 2PM.

The Dances


Highland Fling


This victory dance is perhaps the oldest dance and is said to have been done on the targ or shield of the defeated warrior. The entire dance is performed in one spot and precision footwork is a must.


Sword Dance


Prior to entering into battle, soldiers would perform this dance over crossed swords. If the dancer touched or displaced the sword, it was a bad omen.


Seann Truibhas


Following the unsuccessful rebellion of 1745, the English were in power over Scotland, and forbade the Scotsmen to wear their beloved kilts. This dance represents shedding the cumbersome trousers in favor of wearing free flowing kilts after that ban was lifted 40 years later.


Strathspey & Reel of Tulloch


Performed by four dancers competing individually, this dance is said to have originated one cold Sunday morning in Scotland when the minister was late arriving at the Kirk, or church, and the parishioners were left outside in the cold. In an attempt to keep warm, the dancers weave around each other.



This year's competitions


Pas de Basque (16)

Pas de Basque & High Cuts

Highland Fling (4Step)

Sword Dance (2&1)



Highland Fling (4 Step)

Sword (2&1)

Seann Truibhas (3&1)

Fora (4 Step)


Premier 7 -11

Highland Fling (4 Step)

Sword Dance (2&1)

Seann Triubhas (3&1)

Earl of Errol (4 Step)


Highland Fling (4 Step)

Sword Dance (2&2)

Seann Tribuhas (3&1)

Scottish Lilt (4 Step)



Highland Fling (4 Step)

Sword (2&1)

Seann Truibhas (3&1)

Barracks Johnnie (4 Step)


Premier 12 & over

Highland Fling (4 Step)

Sword Dance (2&1)

Seann Triubhas (3&1)

Earl of Errol (4 Step)

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